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Haslihail and Osiyo! Welcome to All My Relations, a podcast where we explore what it means to be a Native person in 2019.  To be an Indigenous person is to be engaged in relationships—relationships to land and place, to a people, to non-human relatives, and to one another. All My Relations is a place to explore those relationships, and to think through Indigeneity in all its complexities. 


On each episode hosts Matika Wilbur (Tulalip and Swinomish) and Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), delve into a different topic facing Native peoples today, bringing in guests from all over Indian Country to offer perspectives and stories. We dive deep, play some games, laugh a lot, cry sometimes, and hope that you’ll join us on this journey together. 


The podcast came from a desire to have more Indigenous voices accessible in mainstream media—both Matika and Adrienne are surrounded every day in life and work by brilliant Native folks who are fighting and resisting settler colonialism, while also celebrating and uplifting their communities and cultures. The majority of Americans never see this side of Indian Country, and instead only see stereotypical Hollywood Indians set in the historic past or sad, dark poverty porn. We want to offer an alternative, to move beyond bland stereotypes and misrepresentations, and engage in the messy, beautiful, and complicated parts of being Indigenous. We want this space to be for everyone—for Native folks to laugh, to hear ourselves reflected, and give us a chance to think deeper about some of the biggest issues facing our communities, and for non-Native folks to listen and learn. 


Our first season covers a wide range of topics from food sovereignty to Native mascots, fashion, literature, sex, relationships, DNA, identity, politics, and more. We talk with incredible guests like Kim Tallbear, Jessica Metcalfe, Stephanie Fryberg, Deborah Parker, Valerie Seagrest, Billy Ray Belcourt and Joshua Whitehead, and so many more. We can’t wait to share our conversations with you.


Wado and t̕igʷicid!

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Fiscal Sponsorship by SpeakOut  |  Copyright 2025 All My Relations  |  Website Design by Louisa Firethorne   |  Logo & Illustrations by @ArtByCiara

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